Activities & Events

10 April, 2020

We Care | COVID-19

  • By Team SP
  • Wecare, Medicalcoverage, COVID-19, Employeehealth

Healthy people are the greatest asset any firm can have and supporting in safeguarding the same stands our priority.

“We” the people of this firm and “WE” the people of this clan have made our bit to contribute, to unite, to stand for the firm to build it and to nourish it and we still and will serve our each day with sincerity and dedication when the situation stand uncontrollably uncertain.

The feeling of standing up united and standing up like family is what has made the us ponder on how the firm can contribute or ensure to support its people in this crisis. The Executive Leadership team of Success Pact extended a “WE CARE” policy for our people to fight the COVID-19 pandemic together. A policy with the objective to extend the financial provision alongside the moral support with them who may face a situation of fighting against this disease, the unfortunate situation.

Positivity and Prayers are the key to live healthy & live happy!

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