Activities & Events

11 February, 2020

Offsite trip to Aloha at the Ganges, Rishikesh

  • By Team SP
  • Innovation / Ideas

“To win in the marketplace you must first win in the workplace.” Generally firms when think of employee experience and employee engagement, they typically focus on objectives which confines of the office.

But just think -what we could gain more, if we pull out team away from their desks.When you take employees outside the office walls, they tend to connect more that creates a sense of belonging & oneness and this is exactly what we all strive for.Keeping these aspects in mind, this year we planned for weekend excursion in the beginning of spring season.This was planned for the most tranquil place in northern Uttrakhand, surrounded by hills and bisected by the wide and sluggish ganges – Rishikesh.

After conducting employees’ surveys and keeping few objectives into consideration, we sought to provide lavish and enthralling experience to our people by choosing a weekend escape at Aloha at the Ganges, Rishikesh. This resort is one of the finest luxury resort in Rishikesh which leaves you breathless with the enchantment of its surroundings, but assists in enabling you to experience both physical and mental relaxation and realize the importance of a moment of calm in everyday life. The stay featured team building games, bonfire, musical evening by the river Ganga, nature walk and palatable multi-cuisine food.

Exquisite destination with a notion of nature exploration and alluring stay holds the perfect rationale for this amazing trip. The trip to Aloha at the Ganges has been memorable that got etched in the minds of our zestful people forever.

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